Missing in Action

As we move on with our careers and lives, it is natural that our contact information will change. Please update John Schneyer with any changes. John.Schneyer@BocaConsultants.com

Saturday, March 24, 2007


For anyone who didn't get a chance to read it, here is a link that might help:


Thursday, March 22, 2007


What year was the Boca Raton Historical Society founded?

How much savings from using a recycled print cartridge?

How much did Office Depot spend to upgrade their lighting? What was the payback period for that investment?

How many years would it take 1 Blue Gene rack to run the flu virus test?

If a tree fell in the FAU EMI room, would anyone hear it?

What does NCCI stand for? What do they do?

Welcome to the Blog

I created this blog primarily to post pictures I take during our excursions. Feel free to post yours here too and to comment on what you see or add new posts.

You will notice over time that I like taking pictures of people who are taking pictures. Those of you who bring cameras will probably find a few shots of you over the course of the program.

I am doing this to record our trips and share what I have seen. The comments I post are reflective of me and my feelings at the time I post them. Feel free to offer other points of view.


"Jersey" John

Boca Raton Historical Society

Link to Boca Raton Historical Society http://www.bocahistory.org/

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Boca Raton Historical Society

Link to Boca Raton Historical Society: http://www.bocahistory.org/

Best line of the visit: "With your donations we can finsh this video"

Gotta stay on schedule! Get to the bus!
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Link to NCCI: http://www.ncci.com/NCCI/index.aspx

Link to Business Development Board of Palm Beach County: http://www.bdb.org/

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Welcome to IBM Boca Raton where the PC was developed.
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Great things going on here

I can not tell you the level of excitement I had at IBM. I wanted to move in!
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What goes on in this room?
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The Greening Effort

Link to Office Depot Green information: http://www.community.officedepot.com/top20list.asp

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How many of those "Green" stickers did they give us anyway?
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This is one amazing room

Link to FAU EMI Lab: http://www.emi.fau.edu/

The EMI room at FAU. $500 an ammonia smelling cone? This was a cool room and you could tell the people working there are very into their work.
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Can you hear me now?

The EMI room at FAU. I would have liked them to shut the door and turn out the lights. Not to worry, we had a trained therapist with us to get us through the experience.
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Comfortable Shoes?

Didn't the e-mail say wear "comfortable" shoes?

As a public service, here is a link with advice on comfortable shoes. Use at your own risk.


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End of the Trip

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I told you I like pictures of people taking pictures.

Here are some links to other sites of pictures of people taking pictures. They are not mine, I do not endorse them, I just like other perspectives.

Pictures of people taking pictures in Alaska

Pictures of people taking pictures of the Chrysler Building in New York City