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Tuesday, May 1, 2007


There are 4 words in general use in the English language that end in -dous. Two of them have a positive meaning:

tremendous and stupendous

2 have a more negative meaning:

horrendous and ?????

post your response as a comment by clicking on the 'comments' label below.

"Jersey" John


mctague said...

Are you sure that there is only one word? There's quite a few actually, depending on the source. The one you are probably thinking of in standard English is hazardous, although certain dictionaries do include words such as timidous, jeaopardous, vanadous, molybdous, mucidous, multifidous, nefandous, frondous, decapodous, lagopodous, tylopodous, steganopodous, heteropodous, gasteropodous, isopodous, ligniperdous, amphipodous, apodous, blizzardous, gastropodous, hybridous, iodous, nodous, octapodous, palladous, paludous, pudendous, rhodous, sauropodous, schizopodous, solipedous, splendidous, tetrapodous, infandous, nefandous, and voudous.

John Schneyer, Boca Consultants said...

Ah, the key to this is that it is in general use. The word is indeed hazardous and is in keeping with the theme of the day.

I assume you caved in and did a web search to find the solution and the other words you have listed.


mctague said...

Actually, consider I have my William F. Buckley Word of the Day calendar going back over two decades, they all appeared at one time or another on it.